West Erie Presbyterian Church
A Congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA)
To Glorify God &
Enjoy Him Forever
Bible Believing, Christ centered and Gospel focused
Verse by Verse Biblical Preaching
Bible Based Protestant and Reformed Worship
We Sing Psalms and Hymns
Verse by Verse Biblical Preaching
Bible Based Protestant and Reformed Worship
We Sing Psalms and Hymns

We welcome all.
West Erie Presbyterian Church exists to glorify God and to compassionately share the Gospel so that lives are being transformed and the world is being impacted for Christ. Our longing is to connect the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all of life, so that together we can know, serve, and enjoy God to the fullest.
Times we come Together
10am Sunday School and 11am Worship (Sunday School runs from the Sunday after Labor Day to the Sunday before Memorial Day)
Weds. (ZOOM) at 8:30 pm
Weds. (ZOOM) at 8:30 pm